Freeway Cartridges
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Freeway Cartridges

version a)* C                ©1981, red label, CART: spring, no teeth

version b)* R                ©1981, red label, CART: spring, 4 teeth

version c)* U               ©1981, red label, CART: no spring

NOTE: versions a, b & c have the same main and end labels, but the cartridge itself is different

version d)* R                ©1981, red label, ML: color cars and road, CART: no spring

version e)* R                ©1981, red label, ML: red cars, “International Edition”, English only, PAG-009, main and end label are separate, CART: spring?

version f)*  R                ©1981, red label, ML: red cars, “International Edition”, English only, PAG-009, standard wraparound Activision label, CART: no spring

version g)* R                ©1982, red label, ML: color cars and road, “International Edition”, 5 languages, EAG-009, CART: no spring

version h)* R                ©1981, -04, blue label with white text and no picture