Combat Cartridges
Combat Cartridges version a)* R 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, ™ on game variations, EL: red colored border zoomed in large ® version b)* U 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: red colored border zoomed in small ® version c)* R 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, ™ on game variations, EL: silver border version d)* R 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, ™ on “Combat” but not on game variations EL: silver border with ™ version e)* U 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: silver border version f)* R 1st txt no ©, CART1, red letters, ML: 1st txt with small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: 2nd txt version g)* U 2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, “CX-2601” colored red zoomed in large ® version h)* U 2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, “CX-2601” colored red zoomed in small ® version
i)* C
2nd txt no ©, CART1, red
letters, medium ®, zoomed in medium ® version
j)* R
2nd txt no ©, CART1, red
letters, medium ®,
® almost touches “Tank” version
l)* R
2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, version m)* R 2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, aluminum foil label, small ® on “Tank” version n)* U 2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft, plastic label, both ML and EL are dull looking, small ® on “Tank”, ML: game options have raised letters as if they were Braille version o)* U 2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft, plastic label, medium ® on “Tank”, which is not near the “k” in game options, both ML and EL are dull looking, (similar to version k) version
p)* U
2nd txt no ©, CART1, rust
letters, medium ®, version
q)* R
2nd txt no ©, CART1, pink
letters, medium ®, version
r)* R
2nd txt no ©, CART1, rust
letters, medium ®, no version
s)* R
2nd txt no ©, CART1, rust
letters, medium ®, no letters on end label touch each other version t)* U PicBl ©1978, CART1, red letters, regular paper label, bi-plane in upper left completely in picture plane inside border version u)* C PicBl ©1978, CART1, pink letters, plastic coated label (this is a paper label with a plastic coating. It is extremely glossy), bi-plane in upper left completely in picture version v)* U PicBl ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank plane outside border “1” at edge of tank version w)* R PicBl ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “0” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank “0” at edge of tank version x)* R PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is inside the right end of the tank, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL version y)* R PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank, “P” sticker in upper right corner on front, EL:? version z)* R PicBl ©1978, CART1, no “use with…”, plastic coated label version za)* R PicBl ©1978, CART3, no “use with…”, plastic coated label version zb)* R PicBl ©1978, CART3, has “use with…”, plastic coated label